Sociology Restart
Congratulations taking complete control of this sociology class. As a result we are changing everything about this class and we will now focus on how to do sociological research. Doing this kind of work is hard and takes many people years of schooling to do; we are going to do it this year. To help you attached is a work sheet that will help you pick a topic. Use it to help your thinking and your choice of a topic
sociology_restart.pdf |
Class Structure for Sociology Restart
Thank you all for having such an interest in taking control of the class room. Our conversation have been very detailed so we will log our agreements and how we have changed the class on this page. This entry contains the class structure and presentation schedule we agreed upon in class.
Class Structure:
We decided that we would be a research and discussion class, with a high level research paper and final presentation as our goals. What follows is the structure of the class and a breakdown of how you will be graded.
Our class will be done in two week cycles, with the first week being focused on compiling research and preparing a short presentation, while the second week will focus on presentations of our work from week 1 to the class with a feedback loop. We will then take the feedback given on our work and design a plan for the next cycle. Wednesday of each week will be dedicated to reading a short
Week 1 of Cycle:
This week will be dedicated to conducting research and preparing the in class presentation.
You will be responsible for:
Week 2 of Cycle:
This week will be dedicated to presenting to the class and creating a feedback loop in which we assess each others research and make constructive suggestions that will help you guide your next steps.
You will be responsible for:
Wednesdays will be a bit different as we will take this time to read short articles and readings and discuss them as a class. The reading topics will be chosen by me at first but will gradually begin to reflect the direction our research takes us.
You will be responsible for:
Class Structure:
We decided that we would be a research and discussion class, with a high level research paper and final presentation as our goals. What follows is the structure of the class and a breakdown of how you will be graded.
Our class will be done in two week cycles, with the first week being focused on compiling research and preparing a short presentation, while the second week will focus on presentations of our work from week 1 to the class with a feedback loop. We will then take the feedback given on our work and design a plan for the next cycle. Wednesday of each week will be dedicated to reading a short
Week 1 of Cycle:
This week will be dedicated to conducting research and preparing the in class presentation.
You will be responsible for:
- Conducting Research (reading, interviews, etc.)
- Research notes (reading, interview etc.)
- Writing summaries of research
- Prepare Presentation
- Research notes (reading, interview etc.)
- Annotated bibliography
Week 2 of Cycle:
This week will be dedicated to presenting to the class and creating a feedback loop in which we assess each others research and make constructive suggestions that will help you guide your next steps.
You will be responsible for:
- Presentation ( powerpoint, or bullet point notes.)
- Presentation Abstract ( 1 paragraph that will explain what you have learned from your research thus far. Turned in before the day of your presentation)
- Notes (of the presentations given and the feedback you were given on your presentation)
- Next steps and plans for the following weeks research
- Presentation ( powerpoint, or bullet point notes.)
- Presentation Abstract ( 1 paragraph that will explain what you have learned from your research thus far. Turned in before the day of your presentation)
- Notes (of the presentations given and the feedback you were given on your presentation)
Wednesdays will be a bit different as we will take this time to read short articles and readings and discuss them as a class. The reading topics will be chosen by me at first but will gradually begin to reflect the direction our research takes us.
You will be responsible for:
- Reading (highlight annotation)
- Notes (reading and discussion notes)
- Creating discussion questions
- Participation in class discussion
- Notes (reading and discussion notes)
- Creating discussion questions
- Participation in class discussion
weekly_presentation_schedual_.pdf |
Digital Binder
As a class we have decided to keep track of our notes and research digitally. The best way to do this is to use google drive. Attached is a step by step break down on how to create the Sociology folder and 7 subfolders named Handouts, Readings, Notes, Bibliography,Reflections, Abstracts, Presentations and share them with me at [email protected]. The attached documents will also be in the class forms tab of this class.
how_to_create_your_digital_binder.pdf |
Reading notes and annotated bibliography
As we start to do our research we must do a very good job of taking notes. We will be doing this reading for most of the year, as such you might forget what you read. To keep from forgetting the reading notes we take and the annotated bibliography are important. We have covered both in class. Here are the PowerPoints and the hand out about how to make an annotated bibliography. Your work during the research week will be the completion of both reading notes and updating the annotated bibliography. Your grade will depend on them. We will start using this on Thursday in class.
writing_an_annotated_bibliography.pdf |
note_taking.pdf |
annotated_bibliography.pdf |
Reading Notes and Annotated Bibliography
I have noticed by looking at your notes and annotated bibliography that there are some of you that need a bit more instruction as to how to set up your notes and create your annotated bibliography. So today we will go over how to do this together by reading an article and going through the process of creating the reading notes and annotated bibliography entry. Below is the Article you will need to read.
As we read remember to think about these things and look for them in your notes:
As we read remember to think about these things and look for them in your notes:
- Can I summarize the meaning of this text in my own words? (What is this article about? Can I explain?)
- What is clear to me and what do I need clarified?(What do I understand? What questions do I still have?)
- Can I connect the core ideas to other core ideas I do understand?
- How does this text compare to others I have read?
- Does this text change my view of the topic?
- Evaluate the authority or qualifications of the author
- Comment on the intended audience,
- Compare or contrast this work with the worth, effectiveness, and usefulness of the others you have cited.
- Explain how this work illuminates your topic.
mexico’s_epidemic_of_missing_and_murdered_women_-_the_globe_and_mail.pdf |
Presentation time
It is time to start presenting to each other. We have been working on notes and an annotated bibliography for the last two weeks and it is time to work on presenting this to one another in order to get feedback. The class and I will be giving you feedback and grades. This is your first run so make sure you take your time in creating this presentation. Attached is the powerpoint that give the detail of what the presentation should look like as well as a rubric for your grading. If you have any questions email me at [email protected]
howtocreatearesearchpresentation_000.pdf |
research-presentation-rubric-2006.pdf |
A bit of structure
For the past few weeks we have been working on our reserch and presentation. It is time to look at our presentations and notes more in detail . As a result we must start building a bit more structure into our presentations and take the time to focus on them. Attatched will be a check list for each presentation which we have gone over today. Next week we will look at our note taking and feedback loops.
research_presentation.pdf |
Should we deport Undocumented Immigrants who commit violent crime?
As a class we need to answer the questions "Should we deport Undocumented Immigrants who commit violent crime? Today you will need to answer the questions you came up with as a class. You will need to have a written position by Friday. Tomorrow we will work on the format of the position paper you must turn in.
Things you outlined you need to know: (Answer)
What laws are applied to undocumented immigrants and how do the consequences change? : State vs. Federal Law
What is due process and how does it apply to undocumented immigrants?
What happens to the undocumented immigrants that stay here after they commit crimes?
Statistics about immigrants commuting crimes.
Crime rates immigrants vs. Citizens
Punishments vs. Rehab: what happens if we do not send people to prison? Does Rehab work? Does punishment work?
What is the Prison Industrial Complex.
Xenophobia vs. Racism
Here are some web sites that will help you answer this question:
Things you outlined you need to know: (Answer)
What laws are applied to undocumented immigrants and how do the consequences change? : State vs. Federal Law
What is due process and how does it apply to undocumented immigrants?
What happens to the undocumented immigrants that stay here after they commit crimes?
Statistics about immigrants commuting crimes.
Crime rates immigrants vs. Citizens
Punishments vs. Rehab: what happens if we do not send people to prison? Does Rehab work? Does punishment work?
What is the Prison Industrial Complex.
Xenophobia vs. Racism
Here are some web sites that will help you answer this question:
Do Monday!!!!!! 2 pharagraphs
Your 2 paragraphs must have:
Why are immigrants targeted as perpetuators of crime?
Why is the solution deportation?
How much does it cost to jail undocumented people here?
How much does it cost to deport them?
Who came up with the solution of deportation?
What is the history of the solution?
Give information on both sides of the argument
¡This section should be concise. Even if your background is shorter than half a page, it’s ok because it is better to have a shorter yet more informative background section than it would be to have a longer but repetitive background.
- General information about the topic.
- History of the issue and the problems
- Pick only the most important points in your writing
- Be as objective as possible present an unbiased point of view.
Why are immigrants targeted as perpetuators of crime?
Why is the solution deportation?
How much does it cost to jail undocumented people here?
How much does it cost to deport them?
Who came up with the solution of deportation?
What is the history of the solution?
Give information on both sides of the argument
¡This section should be concise. Even if your background is shorter than half a page, it’s ok because it is better to have a shorter yet more informative background section than it would be to have a longer but repetitive background.